You can find all the membership information and forms here.
MSNZ Licence applications are now done online - after passing a licence test of course.

About Motorsport bay of plenty

Previously known as the Tauranga Mount Motorsport Club, MotorSport Bay of Plenty evolved from three previous motorsport clubs , Tauranga Car Club, Mount Maunganui Car Club and Bay Park Supporters Club.

Around 1994 the combined membership of the clubs dwindled until in 1996 a core group of motorsport enthusiasts held a meeting at a local business premises and determined that a new club would be formed.  That club became TMMC.  The Founding executive was Graham Fraser, David Short and Philip King.  The new club grew astonishingly quickly to almost 200 members hosting a range of events such as sealed and gravel hillclimbs, bent sprints, grasskanas, trials, and clubsport races at Taupo Circuit... Read More

The Battery Town Rally Bay of Plenty powered by The Shock Shop is over for another year.  What a great event and many thanks go to all our wonderful sponsors and most particularly to our wonderful volunteers.  We couldn't do it without you.
This year we were the final round of the New Zealand Rally Championship.  This was a new challenge for the organising committee and involved quite a few new details.

However the crew made it happen, supported by our volunteers and wonder sponsors and the spectators certainly enjoyed it.  It would be fair to say there were more spectators out and about than we've ever had before.
The rally debrief meeting touched on areas we need to improve on but overall the event was enjoyed immensely by the competitors and spectators.
Discussions are underway regarding next years rally calendar and we have been asked again to be a round of the Championship.  So watch this space.

Many Thanks to our sponsors